The Unexpected Dangers of Common Home Features


What you might not have heard, is that there are nearly 1000 deaths caused by skylights each year.

– Place handrails or other safeguards around skylights. – Cover skylights with a dome or other safety materials. – Hire professionals to do projects around skylights. – Inform anyone working on your roof of the presence of     skylights.

Prevention Tips :


Slippery surfaces, inadequate lighting, and lack of handrails can all contribute to falls, which can lead to severe injuries.

–  Install non-slip surfaces on stairs. – Add handrails on both sides of the staircase. – Ensure proper lighting, including nightlights for nighttime    use. – Regularly inspect stairs for wear and tear, and repair any    damages.

Prevention Tips :

Electrical Outlets

Overloading electrical outlets with multiple devices can cause overheating, leading to fires. Additionally, uncovered outlets can pose a significant risk.

– Unplug devices when not in use. – Use outlet covers to protect children. – Regularly inspect outlets and wiring for signs of wear or     damage. - Avoid overloading outlets. Use power strips with surge     protection if necessary.

Prevention Tips :


Falls from windows can result in severe injuries or fatalities. Moreover, window cords can present a strangulation hazard for young children.

Prevention Tips :

– Install window guards or stops to prevent children from     falling. – Keep furniture away from windows to prevent climbing     access. – Choose cordless window coverings of secure cords out of     children’s reach. – Lock windows when not in use to prevent unauthorized     access.