Picking Paint Colors: Repainting after Restoration

Assess the Lighting

Before selecting paint colors, assess the lighting conditions in your space. Natural and artificial lighting can significantly impact how colors appear. Consider the direction of light, intensity, and color temperature.

Consider the Function & Mood

Think about the function of the room and the mood you want to create. Different colors evoke different emotions and have varying effects on the atmosphere.

Coordinate with Existing Elements

Take into account the existing elements in the room, such as furniture, flooring, and architectural features. Consider their colors, textures, and finishes when selecting paint colors.

Explore Color Psychology

Color psychology can provide insights into how different colors influence emotions and behaviors. Warm colors like red, orange, and yellow are known to create energy and stimulate conversation.

Create Visual Flow

Consider the overall flow and continuity between rooms. Paint colors should create a cohesive visual transition from one space to another, especially in open floor plans.

Test Paint Samples

Never underestimate the importance of testing paint samples before committing to a color. Paint samples allow you to see how a color looks in your specific space under different lighting conditions.

Consider the Size of the Space

The size of the room can influence the choice of paint colors. Lighter colors tend to make small spaces appear larger and more open, while darker hues can create a cozy and intimate atmosphere in larger rooms.

Seek Inspiration

Gather inspiration from various sources to spark your creativity. Browse home decor magazines, visit design websites, or create mood boards on platforms like Pinterest.