Nowadays when many people are encouraged to work from home due to the global pandemic, COVID-19, it might become difficult for people with restless dogs at home. But there’s no need to worry if you have West paw’s interest treat toys – Tux, Qwizl, and Toppl – to keep your pets active and challenged all day long. (more…)

Instant Pot Aura 9-in-1 is a multi-purpose kitchen appliance that’s designed to sit proudly on your worktop and help you prepare next-level means in very less time. With this multi-functional device you’ll not just save time, but energy as well. (more…)

The favorite mantra of the best nutritionist of the times is to have home-cooked food always. Home-cooked, traditional recipes contain nutrients that are needed and accepted by our bodies happily. This is one of the main reasons the lunchboxes have gained so much popularity after decades. From a pre-school student to a professional, most prefers to pack lunch from home. If you are one among them, then this latest modular lunchbox is everything that you need. At a glance, the Foldeat seems like a regular lunchbox with an insulated cover. However, what is unique about it is that the insulated…

When it comes to aluminium foils, the only few uses that we know of revolves around baking and packing lunches. However, to be honest, there are innumerable uses of aluminium foils. In fact, it won’t be wrong to term the foils as one of the most versatile things out there that makes our life much easier and hassle-free. Wondering what new uses could be carved out of the plain Jane aluminium foils? Read on the article to know more – 1. Shine your old silverware Silver loses its shine if not worn or used daily. So, if you have any…