Wondering How Home Design Fails Look? Here’s A List Of 10 Worst Fails!
The Internet has been disregarded by numerous people for showing only the best in people’s lives. Best houses, best cars, best professions, and the list is endless. It goes up to such an extent that we feel insecure about our own selves – about how we look, dress, etc. However, if you think the internet is all about just that, you’re mistaken. This is because we have brought to you the worst home design fails ever – things that will make you feel blah to wow in no time!
1. What is a bathroom for?
Stand away from you bathroom singers and bathroom romantics, don’t you know what the bathroom is used for? If you’re among people, who till now was unaware of the real purpose of bathrooms, this one surely is for you.

2. Was this accidental?
We understand that a lot of times our ideas and visions fail. It is normal and happens pretty often than you would want. If you’re on the same page as us, think yourself lucky if you haven’t done anything this stupid. Yes, someone did THIS to their home.

3. What’s too much color, you ask?
We have often seen others ask, “what’s too much color?” If you are one of those who constantly ask this question, please take a look at this. Too much intricacy and even good painting at a single place can look disgusting. And this photograph bears testimony to this fact “Home Design Fails”.

4. Talk about customized stuff?
If you love customized items for your house, you will be going to love this. Is this a fail – we don’t think so. But it’s 100% fun – what do you think?

5. Fancy AF, eh?
Have you recently spent thousands of dollars – and even millions – on your dream home? Wonder how will your peers come to know about how expensive your house and decor are? Duhh!! It’s pretty simple. All you need to do is paste a sticker of Lamborghini on your window!

6. Want an example of out-and-out practicality?
At some point or the other, we all are practical. Yet we often say too much of anything particular is not good. Do you want to know (rather, see) the reason behind this? Take a look at this photograph –

7. Swollen Vulvas On Sale at $600
If you are wondering what the yuck we are talking about, look at this photograph for reference. We are sure you will understand. PS. won’t this sofa look great with the phallic chandelier we had shown previously? Anyone looking for a themed living room, here?

8. A tropical, underwater-themed bedroom?
If this is how a tropical, underwater-themed bedroom promises to look, I will rather have a plain bedroom with bare walls and ceiling, please.

9. Did you say you like dolls?
If dolls creep you out, you might not like this. And if you love dolls, you might be creeped out by this. Either way, stay away from decorating your house with too many dolls.

10. Waste time and space no more
If you are against wastage of any kind, you will like this idea. Or, perhaps not!