Lego Mega Factory Uses Cucumbers To Build Tiny Log Cabins
One talented YouTuber, The Brick Wall, has created an amazing LEGO Mega Factory that uses cucumbers to make tiny log cabins. There are various technical devices and machines in the factory to make mini cucumber log cabins. Each cabin synchronizes precisely along with incredible engineering to assemble different parts.
Every detail of the cucumber homes speaks perfection. From cutting off vegetables to carving them for doors/windows, everything is precise. Plus, drilling holes for drift pins has a specific purpose.

The whole project used around 18 cucumbers. Each cucumber used to make these tiny logs undergoes all these technicalities. Hence, you get a perfect log cabin.

Further Details Used For Making Tiny Log Cabins of Cucumber
Since the Lego Mega Factor constructs a complete log cabin using cucumbers, the complete house is dubbed a cuke cabin. This entire Lego factory took around 83 days of designing, planning, and construction. It further consists of 21 motors, 23,000+ pieces, and 7 controllers. Moreover, it measures around 64 x 44 x 22-inches.
In the video, you can see how the Lego factory uses the green vegetables and stacks them to form miniature cabins. These cucumber cabins even boast doors and windows, as well as roofing plants. There is also a playground and proper fencing around a tiny cucumber cabin. The final cabin may appear nicer than many people’s apartments (no offense!)

Until this day, we only thought that making Lego cabins or other figurines was a big accomplishment. However, this guy changed our perception by building a fully automated cucumber cabin factory. Who knows in the future he may build a Lego factory to create Lego cucumber cabins to make this project meet its logical conclusion or solution.

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Via: LaughingSquid