Next125 Pocket System is Cabinet-Style Kitchen That Hides in Plain Sight

March 15, 2022 Kitchen Monika Thakur

A kitchen is not only a heart of a home but also a multipurpose space that provides flexibility to change throughout the day. This ability of a kitchen is to accommodate more functions that go beyond cooking and food preparation. To fit the practical functionality with aesthetics, the kitchen designs keep changing over time. Now to meet the practicality of modern-day tiny apartments, German kitchen manufacturer Next125 has come up with a new Pocket System kitchen design. It is basically a cabinet-style kitchen that cleverly hides in plain sight.

Cabinet-style kitchen alters with your changing needs

Boasting German engineering, Next125 Pocket System is a tall cupboard-shaped kitchen unit with specialized doors to conceal the counter and storage areas. So, when the doors are closed, it seems like a regular household cupboard while hiding the entire kitchen from sight. Hence, it offers you a perfect blank canvas to dine, entertain, work, or unwind. No matter what’s your current requirement, this cabinet-shaped kitchen design is likely to suit all changing needs.

Also Read: 8 Simple Yet Practical Hidden Kitchen Design Ideas

Next125 Pocket System is Cabinet-Style Kitchen That Hides in Plain Sight

Due to its high-quality engineering, the cabinet panels are can easily open just with a single tap on them. And, in a jiffy, the panels disappear into the carcass sides just with a slight push. Due to the compact construction of these doors, you also get an extra space that you can use for working or storing desired items.

Easy to customise

When it’s open, this furniture unit reveals its real power. Its power actually lies in its ability to change as per the individual requirements. The Pocket system is easy to customize and provides you easy access to some frequently used items. Meanwhile, it offers maximum storage space for all your essentials.

Next125 Pocket System is Cabinet-Style Kitchen That Hides in Plain Sight

Whether you want extra space for your electronic appliances or some ergonomic pullouts, this cabinet leaves no unused space. Hence, it makes the most of every cm within and around this cabinet-like unit. Shelves, pull-outs, and recess panels are all ideal to optimize the functional storage area. Plus, it maintains a beautiful design that reflects in both the interior and exterior of this kitchen furniture.

Ideal for apartments

All its features make it an ideal unit for apartments. Another best thing about this cupboard system is that it seamlessly merges with the living area and offers a great sense of spaciousness. Due to its impressive and practical design, this cabinet kitchen unit has also got a special mention at the German Design Award 2022.

Next125 Pocket System is Cabinet-Style Kitchen That Hides in Plain Sight

Via: CuratedMint