With Christmas just around the corner, it is definitely time enough to get your home ready for the biggest festival. From putting that floral wreath on your door to preparing a list of goodies to cook on the big day, the next few weeks are definitely going to be a wonderfully exhausting few days. Talking about Christmas, the thing I love the most to do is illuminating the entire house with lights. From rice lights to candles, lights really have the power to brighten the whole vibe of the house. Do you agree? If so, you would love this unique…

Stay-at-home parents or people who have location independent jobs or simply those who love cooking often find themselves spending considerable time in the kitchen. Often cooking is termed as therapeutic. If you think so too, why not make the kitchen your happy space by getting a kitchen makeover by Wellness Kitchen. Wellness Kitchen is basically a concept appliance suite designed to provide a holistic experience that leads to psychological happiness and sanctity. The concept of Wellness Kitchen lies is refurbishing the tasks that once seemed extremely exhausting and draining into something that empowers and engages the users, leading to great…

Of late, wildfires have been one of the main climatic concerns in numerous parts of the USA. A vicious natural calamity, wildfires are perhaps the hardest to tackle as it spreads with winds and can engulf a huge area under its wrathful grasp. To address this concern, a team of researchers from Case Western Reserve University has created a huge foil blanket that, as demonstrations suggest, can prevent wildfires across the state of California. Benefits of Foil Wrapped Homes Talking about this wonderful innovation, Professor Fumiaki Takashi from the University, said: The whole-house fire blanket is a viable method of…

If you ask us about the one item that is a must-have while creating the perfect home, it has to be a good light. Good ambient light has the capacity to make or break a home. No matter how beautiful your decor is if the lighting is not perfect and does not go with the theme of your house, your entire efforts fail. And if you are in the hunt for the perfect light that may suit elegant and classic decors alike, this new latitude light is the one. Different Types of Latitude Light? The latitude light is am ambient…

A house cannot be termed as a home just by purchasing. For a house to be transformed into a warm abode, it has to mirror your taste, loves, and ideals. Right from the rugs to the wall paint, everything must reflect your elegant taste and views. However, it is always much easier said than done, and doing up an entire house or even a part of it is no mean joke. If you are on the same or similar endeavor, let us help you a bit by acquainting you with the supremely unique landscape sofa.   An extremely stylish and…

Known for their out-of-the-box concepts and styling, England-based R2 Studio recently did a makeover on an Edwardian garden house in London. And, the results are marvelous. The catch element of this makeover was the perforated ash wood staircase that connects the two stories of the building in Lewisham. The beautiful extension imparted to this old building, overlooking the River Quaggy, creates an extensive living and dining area in the ground floor while making room for extra bedrooms in the first. The newly renovated exterior is aptly covered by vertical timber batons with thin gaps that go on to amp up…

For parents, decorating children’s rooms is one of the best jobs ever. From selecting the perfect wardrobes to creating an out-of-the-box indoor play area, we give a lot of time and energy towards building our kids’ room. More often than not, the kid’s room becomes a reflection of our love and affection for the kids. And, quite rightly so! However, what hurts later on (which may be a few months to a year’s gap) is how easily our children outgrow the decor and there arises a need for re-decorating the kid’s room that was made after so much deliberation and…