Focusing on luxury and design, this superyacht has been created to provide the utmost comfort and amenities to the guests. Dubbed Rimor X, the 314-feet explorer yacht combines both technical and luxe prowess along with a stylish underwater lounge area. (more…)

The high-tech Arga 180 bathtub has been developed in collaboration with Whynot Design Studio and Jacuzzi Europe to elevate the luxe bathroom experience. The rectangular tub features a touchpad to control it and available in four finishes for consumers to blend with their bathroom interior. (more…)

Miracle Healthcare has launched an innovative Arebo one-touch body dryer to make drying off after bathing more simpler and hygienic. This one-touch activation bathing appliance works as soon as you step on it after showering and starts delivering warm or cool air onto the body for eliminating the requirement of towel drying after every shower. (more…)

While most people are self quarantining themselves in the wake of the emergency situation of Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, filthy rich have found a luxury way to self-isolate in these Survival Condos. The owner and developer, Larry Hall, has created these condos at a secret site in Kansas. (more…)

Often we find that water bodies are closed or obstructed while building houses. Especially in bigger cities, urbanization has brought in a lot of problems. However, today we have in store a building that has been constructed over a natural stream called a bridge house, without harming its natural flow at all. When premium architect Dan Brunn saw a brook cutting across his plot, he thought of a maverick plan to build a house across it. Being a visionary that he is, Brunn worked hard for two years to eventually unveil the 4,500 square-foot home over the stream, which is…

Do you think your sink is taking a little longer to empty than before? Have you been noticing the formation of a little pool while you take a bath? Do you find a foul odor emitting from your kitchen sink or bathroom? If you have been noticing any or all of these, your bathroom/kitchen is having clogged drain pipes. For the uninitiated, let us tell you this is one of the worst household problems “Unclog Drain Pipes” and needs to be taken care of at the soonest. Unless, of course, you want your pipes to burst. Don’t worry, unclogging the…