Geoship Unveils World’s First Ceramic Geodesic Domes For Future
Geoship, the company behind the creation of earth-friendly, affordable homes with around a 500-year lifespan, has now created the world’s first ceramic Geodesic Domes. The US startup has also started taking pre-orders for these geodesic domes that are installed in the California mountains. So far there are no images of the fully-constructed domes. But the company has shared the renders of what these unique dwellings may look like.
Sustainable Geodesic Domes
These bio-ceramic domes boast a zero-carbon, long-lasting, fire-proof, and biologically resonant architecture. These domes show us a new way of building sustainable homes for the future. The company is new, with only 400 paid home deposits so far. But they have more than 2,000 investors and often work by a co-op model.

According to the designers, home-building is a multi-trillion dollar, massive industry. But most of it is unsustainable. However, the Geoship village building and micro-factory platform create sustainable models for the regenerative future.
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The idea behind the creation of these geodesic home designs is to create homes and communities in an eco-friendly way. That’s why the company has started to create a community of its own.

Morgan Bierschenk, CEO and co-founder of Geoship, mentions that he and his brother began with the creation of a home for their family. They did it with a very small budget, using reclaimed wood and materials found on the land. After that, they started thinking to use advanced technology to make a building structure. They thought of the way nature builds protective shells. With that thought in mind, they decided to engineer new kinds of homes.
Construction of Ceramic Geodesic Domes
Geoship mixes different types of ceramic crystals to make a bio-ceramic dome. These domes are perfectly shaped into triangular molds. The pieces are carefully assembled in the shape of a geodesic dome, just like any other material of construction. The carbon used in the creation of these triangular elements is far less than conventional passive solar, sandstone, or other efficient house-building materials. Furthermore, the operational energy usage is significantly lower too.
The designers install panels on a network of struts that firmly support the dome structure. It’s just like an interior structure in a mushroom cap. Its end-product is mold-proof, recyclable, flood-proof, and fire-proof. These domes are even earthquake, hurricane, and insect resistant. Furthermore, it comes in various cool colors.

If we have a look at the top view of the purple ceramic geodesic dome, it boasts lights at night time. The used construction materials need certification for such construction. However, the pilot program still needs proper formation. The goal of the company is to create living environments that seamlessly resonate with nature. They also want their new buildings to catalyze the consciousness evolution.
Needs Another Round of Funding
The company still needs the next round of funding to build its micro-factory, pilot production, and village design platforms. It is because Geoship is basically a material science company. And, the bio-ceramics are their new type of construction materials for building multi-century structures. If you like their design and sustainability, you can pre-order for these structures. However, their final production will take more time.

Via: Designboom