How to Remove Caulk From Wall

August 20, 2022 DIY Monika Thakur

By filling in cracks and holes, caulk protects the house. It keeps mosquitoes, water, and other environmental issues out of the house. But there might be a point when you have to take it out, especially when it sticks to your wall. So, how to remove caulk from wall?

Steps To Remove Caulk From Walls

Here are a few easy steps to help you remove standard caulk from a wall:

Step 1: Collect Materials

You’ll require the caulk remover of your choice. Determine the type of caulk you are removing to make the job easier. It can be challenging to get silicone caulk off, for instance. It is simpler to remove silicone caulk if you can find a remover that is formulated especially for silicone caulk.

Besides that you need:

  • A utility knife or razor knife is also required.
  • Additionally needed are needle-nose pliers.
  • You’ll also require a 5-in-1 tool or a tool of a comparable design.
  • To apply the remover, you’ll also need bleach and a sponge.
  • You even need a rag.
  • Having protective gloves is also a smart idea.

Step 2: Thoroughly Spray Caulk Remover on Stained Area

Spray the caulk remover into the caulk using your hands. It’s acceptable to use more product than you need. To get the spray into the tight corners, you’ll need to spray at a few different angles.

Step 3: Use Isopropyl Alcohol Spray For Difficult Tasks

It is an optional step.

You might want to think about using isopropyl alcohol, in addition, to caulk remover if the caulk is difficult to remove. The wall surface can be effectively cleaned of caulk by using isopropyl alcohol.

Also Read: How to Remove Dried Caulk From Hands

Be cautious when utilizing it as it also happens to be very combustible. Spray the alcohol into the caulk, if you decide to use it, just like you would with the caulk remover.

Step 4: Take a utility knife to cut the caulk

 how to remove caulk from painted wall

Start cutting into the caulk with your utility knife or razor. This action can be risky, so wearing some sort of protective gloves is a good idea. The best gloves are those that can withstand cuts.

Cut the caulk by pressing the utility knife as flatly against the wall as you can. You can remove loose strands, but take care not to remove any paint or drywall in the process.

Step 5: To Remove the Remaining Caulk, Use Pliers

how to remove silicone caulk from wall


You can use the needle-nose pliers instead of your hands to remove the caulk strands. These are good at grabbing the stuff and pulling it off quickly.

You can also use pliers to hold caulk pieces that are too little or delicate for your fingers to grasp. To avoid damaging the wall, take your time with this step.

Step 6: Use 5-in-1 Tool To Eliminate Tiny Bits of Caulk

caulk remover


You should only have a few little pieces of caulk left at this point. You may have more control over the removal of the remaining caulk if you use the 5-in-1 tool.

In this step, any multi-tool will do as long as the blade is flat and sharp. Place the blade’s flat side up against the wall. Scratch the caulk to penetrate it. Utilizing the tool, pull the caulk away from the wall.

Step 7: Spray Bleach

You must clean the area after removing the caulk. Mold and mildew frequently gather behind caulk, particularly in spaces near windows or doors.

Mold and mildew can be killed with bleach. Each gallon of water needs to have 1/3 cup of bleach added. After that, clean the area by dipping a sponge into the mixture. Make sure to clean the corner thoroughly. Bleach might also assist in removing any remaining sticky caulk.

Step 8: Rinse Using Water

Give the bleach some time to stand. After that, use a fresh sponge to rinse the area with water. Rinse the area thoroughly until there are no longer any suds visible.

Step 9: Wipe Off the Area Using a Rag

how to soften caulk for removal


The final step is to dry the area. Using a fresh rag, wipe down the corner and help it dry. This removes any lingering moisture that may encourage mold to grow again. Once you’re done wiping the area down, let it air dry. The corner will be free of the old caulk, clean, and ready for a new application of fresh caulk.

So, this is how to remove caulk from wall. Do follow these steps carefully to get rid of unwanted caulk from your beautifully painted walls.