In busy cities, small apartments with small bathrooms are very common. Some bathroom spaces in modern apartments have around 3-square-meter floor space. It may seem challenging to design a bathroom with finite space. But if you are a bit design-savvy, you can easily turn your small space to both functional and stylish while making it appear larger than its actual size. (more…)

When we think of doing up our bathroom decor, we often tend to forget about the windows. They are essentially the neglected part of the bathroom. However, when put to proper use, windows can increase the functionality and enhance the decor of the space to a great extent. So, if you are thinking of revamping your bathroom, here are ways you can take your bathroom windows to the next level – 1. Narrow bathroom windows If you are someone who is worried about privacy but still wants to let the sunshine in through the bathrooms, this one is perfect. The…

While we tend to overlook, a bathroom sink is indeed one of the most important fittings in your modern life. We won’t go into the details of its necessity but our lives will indeed get paralyzed if our sink doesn’t work properly. So, it is always advisable to treat any sink-related issue as soon as you notice. After all, a chipped or cracked sink can be repaired much easier than replacing a whole sink or repair your bathroom sink. In case you are wondering how to go about the entire procedure, here’s an easy DIY method – 1. Clean the…

Introduction: Laminate floors have become a popular choice for homeowners due to their durability, affordability, and aesthetic appeal. To keep laminate floors looking their best, it is crucial to use the right cleaning solution. With a plethora of options available, finding the best cleaning solution for laminate floors can be overwhelming. In this guide, we will explore the key factors to consider and present a selection of top-rated cleaning solutions specifically formulated for laminate floors. By following this comprehensive review, you can ensure that your laminate floors stay clean and well-maintained. Understanding the Unique Needs of Laminate Floors: Laminate floors…

When it comes to window decorations, curtain hooks are really important. They come in different styles and sizes, and each type has its job. In this article, we’ll talk about the different kinds of curtain hooks so you can choose the right ones for your curtains. Pin Hooks: Pin hooks are a traditional and simple method for hanging curtains. They’re basically a sharp metal pin with a small hook at the end. Pin hooks are often used with pleated curtains like pinch pleats or French pleats. You insert the pin into the fabric pleats, which gives the curtains a neat…

Do you have a small bathroom, and wish to keep your toiletries safely and uncluttered? Or, do you just want your bathroom very organized despite its small size? To be honest, we are all guilty of storing our entire locker of toiletries in your bathroom itself. As a result, there is a lot of clutter and mess over time. And, no one wants the mess, especially in the bathroom. After all, it’s supposed to be one of the cleanest areas of a home. This is exactly where ideal shower niche height comes into play. A shower niche is very convenient,…

Living in a tiny place with limited storage space might make it tough to keep your belongings arranged. You can, however, maximize available space and create an organized, clutter-free environment with a little thought and planning. In this article, we will provide practical ways and tactics to help you properly manage your small house, even if you don’t have a lot of storage space. Declutter and Prioritise: Begin by organizing your belongings and discarding everything you no longer use. Examine each section and assess whether or not each item is necessary and functional. Keep only what is necessary or enjoyable….

Are You Searching for Ways to Maximize Space at Home in Canada? No matter if it’s an apartment or house in Canada, optimizing living spaces is essential for comfortable and organized living. Storage solutions can be an excellent way to create the illusion of larger rooms without actually expanding your living space. Consider purchasing multifunctional furniture such as sofa beds and dining tables that double up as storage solutions. Open Concept Design An open-concept floor plan can help maximize space in a home renovation project by eliminating walls. By doing so, this design allows you to seamlessly combine your kitchen,…

If you’re looking for a way to add some extra storage to your home, floating shelves are a great option. They not only provide functional storage but can also be used to display decor and add visual interest to your space.  Mr Price Home is known for its affordable and stylish home decor, and its range of floating shelves is no exception.  1. The Benefits of Floating Shelves Floating shelves are a great addition to any space. They not only serve the purpose of storage but also add a modern and stylish touch to the room. One of the biggest…