Designed and contrived by Purho, Chiara Lantern takes a cure from marine life to brighten up any living space with an artistic twist. Boasting nautical-themed design, the lantern is made from brushed brass and Murano glass. It can be easily illuminated with a good LED light source. (more…)

At this point, when the whole world is combating coronavirus pandemic, it’s not safe for anyone to go out of their house yet. However, this remarkable Lilypad Floating Cabin in New South Wales seems like the ultimate self-quarantine goal. (more…)

Designed by Spanish architectural designer, Arquimaña. Lahu folding chair is a portable furniture piece. It’s designed to offer flexible and durable space for users to sit anywhere they want. The chair consists of beech wood for durability and minimalist aesthetics. It also comes with a comfortable leather backrest. This leather strap even serves as a shoulder strap to easily move the seat or fold it after use. (more…)

Are you looking for a perfect pet bed that can be set next to your bed – without allowing your dog or cat to get into your personal space? If so, the staircase-equipped Penn Plax Buddy Bunk pet bed is a perfect solution for you and your furry friend. (more…)

Have you ever wondered how much germs a public bathroom doors carry? No matter how properly you wash your hands in these bathrooms with touchless taps, touchless hand dryers, and touchless soap dispensers, we still have to open the germ and bacteria-clad dirty bathroom doors with our washed hands while exiting. So, the entire purpose of cleaning the hands goes waste, isn’t it? (more…)

Miracle Healthcare has launched an innovative Arebo one-touch body dryer to make drying off after bathing more simpler and hygienic. This one-touch activation bathing appliance works as soon as you step on it after showering and starts delivering warm or cool air onto the body for eliminating the requirement of towel drying after every shower. (more…)

Nowadays when many people are encouraged to work from home due to the global pandemic, COVID-19, it might become difficult for people with restless dogs at home. But there’s no need to worry if you have West paw’s interest treat toys – Tux, Qwizl, and Toppl – to keep your pets active and challenged all day long. (more…)