About:priyanka Shah

November 8, 2019 priyanka Shah

With Christmas just around the corner, it is definitely time enough to get your home ready for the biggest festival. From putting that floral wreath on your door to preparing a list of goodies to cook on the big day, the next few weeks are definitely going to be a…

November 8, 2019 priyanka Shah

Stay-at-home parents or people who have location independent jobs or simply those who love cooking often find themselves spending considerable time in the kitchen. Often cooking is termed as therapeutic. If you think so too, why not make the kitchen your happy space by getting a kitchen makeover by Wellness…

November 8, 2019 priyanka Shah

It is often said that necessity is the mother of all inventions. The truth hidden in this phrase came out starkly with one amazing DIY carried out by an Australian dad from Queensland. Hans Windell, who lives on the mesmerizing Sunshine Coast, was looking for an inexpensive plunge pool to…

November 7, 2019 priyanka Shah

With the Thanksgiving just around the corners, most of us must be ecstatic about the occasion. Thanksgiving has always been special for it is perhaps the only time of the year when the entire family gets to come together and enjoy. So, naturally, all a person wants now is to…

November 7, 2019 priyanka Shah

With the ensuing of global warming on a huge scale and the sea levels rising significantly, our future on this beautiful planet seems bleak. The incessant forest fires clubbed with hurricanes and earthquakes make us often wonder where exactly could we build a home for a secured existence. Well, we…

November 7, 2019 priyanka Shah

Of late, wildfires have been one of the main climatic concerns in numerous parts of the USA. A vicious natural calamity, wildfires are perhaps the hardest to tackle as it spreads with winds and can engulf a huge area under its wrathful grasp. To address this concern, a team of…

November 7, 2019 priyanka Shah

If you ask us about the one item that is a must-have while creating the perfect home, it has to be a good light. Good ambient light has the capacity to make or break a home. No matter how beautiful your decor is if the lighting is not perfect and…

November 6, 2019 priyanka Shah

A house cannot be termed as a home just by purchasing. For a house to be transformed into a warm abode, it has to mirror your taste, loves, and ideals. Right from the rugs to the wall paint, everything must reflect your elegant taste and views. However, it is always…

November 6, 2019 priyanka Shah

Stress and anger are seemingly humanity’s biggest woes in the 21st century. Needless to say, the stress related to work are more in certain parts of the world than the rest. For example, although Japan is one of the world’s most prosperous countries, the Japanese are the most overworked people…