December 26, 2019 priyanka Shah

When we think of doing up our bathroom decor, we often tend to forget about the windows. They are essentially the neglected part of the bathroom. However, when put to proper use, windows can increase the functionality and enhance the decor of the space to a great extent. So, if…

December 24, 2019 priyanka Shah

Often, in modern times, we long to get some lovely “me-time”. Me-time is an absolute necessity in everyone’s life. It allows a person to completely shut off from the buzzing and throbbing world, and experience some inner calmness and sanctity. In fact, it also increases productivity. But, have you ever…

December 9, 2019 priyanka Shah

We all love DIY’s, don’t we? From DIY tables and lanterns to DIY bookshelves and showpieces, DIYs can produce literally anything and everything. If you are willing to put in some extra effort, DIYs can get you some unique stuff at just a fraction of their market equivalents. Don’t you…

November 27, 2019 priyanka Shah

We all have seen architectural wonders, grand houses, and lavish palaces. However, the one in question here is definitely something you have not seen to date – though you might have dreamed about it in your wild dreams. This is the whopping $5.5 million mansions in South Beach, Miami Floating…

November 27, 2019 priyanka Shah

Remember the picturesque Icelandic homes we saw in newspapers, TV, and magazines? Well, you would be surprised to know that those peculiar conical-shaped buildings are by far the most eco-friendly homes ever. Made generally of wood harvested locally, these houses are covered in grassy turf that makes them visibly be…

November 25, 2019 priyanka Shah

With the winters just around the corner, it is definitely time for the hailstorms and snow to start. While snowing is pretty cool to handle, hailstorms or snowstorms can take a toll on your house. No matter how to do House Maintenance? The American hailstorms can be extremely damaging. So,…

November 15, 2019 priyanka Shah

Have you been accused of buying too many books and hoarding them up in your home? Do you have more books than you can count to the extent that your room is literally littered by books? If you can identify with this scene, you’re definitely not alone. The need of…

November 15, 2019 priyanka Shah

Are you done with your love for the current wallpaper and wish to change it now? Well, wallpapers are much trickier affairs that regular paints. It not only requires expertise while pasting but one also has to be careful during its removal. We know it is a daunting task but…

November 9, 2019 priyanka Shah

A leaking ceiling requires immediate attention. Discoloration, buckling plaster, water dripping from the ceiling, and saggy drywall may all make you feel that the ceiling is leaking. However, remember that these are just symptoms of some other home system actually leaking and it is not really the wall that is…