Lately, modern barn house designs have made a big comeback. It’s been observed that modern homeowners are looking for interesting ways to add rustic charm to their existing property. And, what else can add an old-school rustic vibe to your home than a modern barn house. They boast wood-clad exteriors and pitched roofs along with the use of natural materials all around the house. And, the result is quite charming indeed. (more…)

Precisely constructed atop a peaked site, Colo Crossings by Benn and Penna Architects is a stunning shipping container house that settles effortlessly into the landscape. The architects have beautifully created a balance between the natural environment and the living space with this practical abode. Situated in Colo River, around 100km northwest of Sydney, this industrial-looking house boasts a monochrome darkened color palette. The architecture settles in nicely among the mottled greens of the landscape as both a respectful and disguised insertion. Thanks to its hilltop position, the abode enjoys breathtaking views of the surroundings from every internal area. Furthermore, it…

Thanks to SOFA (state of address), the way design and architecture are created, collected, and owned is changing quickly. It is the world’s first design online community that’s now on the NFT (non-fungible tokens) blockchain. With the help of NFTs, this Melbourne-founded platform shifts its projects to the digital space. Moreover, it also maintains the physically unique sources that one could be sold for gains in the long term. (more…)

We have seen many building designs combining ancient building techniques with sustainable energy technology. Keeping up with this ongoing trend, the Rammed Earth House in Slovenia boasts a unique style farmhouses. It showcases a simple way to merge traditional rammed earth building methods along with modern solar energy production. This reinterprets the early 20th-century farmhouse design in the modern world. The resulting tiny house boasts unique angles and a multi-angled pitched roof. Furthermore, the tiny home orients maximum sun exposure, as well as passive solar heating with windows kept for proper cross-ventilation in warm weather. (more…)

Over the past decade, 3D printing has become a major buzz in the construction industry. Although initially developed for prototyping purposes, the 3D printing technology can emerge to a point where it may become a key player in various industries. Clearly, 3D printing technology is highly beneficial in aerospace, medical, and tool-making areas. However, it’s been widely used in the construction sector as well. (more…)

.Modern cities are becoming denser day by day. Even the pandemic has given a new shape to our living and working patterns. In the wake of all this, people are becoming more aware of the space they live in. After all, their living space plays a major role in influencing their physical and mental health. As a result, the home interiors are becoming more focused on promoting sensitivity, calmness, and comfort. Hence, you get a perfect way to escape the hectic work routine. Being a safe area where we all practically start and finish, the modern bathrooms adapt as per…

French multidisciplinary company AREP has created an energy-efficient bamboo cooling system called the adiabatic urban cooling system. This low-tech, energy-efficient cooling device is a sustainable alternative to modern AC solutions. Meanwhile, it offers an affordable way to keep the indoor air cool in summer. (more…)

You may have seen the rural architecture of an old barn in the bucolic landscapes. But if you look at this vibrant barn, you’ll be surprised because it comes with a modern twist. Lately, homeowners in Ontario, Canada commissioned Dory Azar Architect Inc. to redo an old pole barn with a modern touch. As a result, the architectural firm blended both traditional and modern styles to create this vibrant Highway Pole Barn. This red barn nestles around the 64 acres of farmland, which is an extension to the owners’ house. This barn is not used by homeowners for family gatherings,…

Do you know that every year, around 8.5 million metric tons of eggshells end up in landfills? Despite being a fragile item, eggshells are naturally UV-resistant and calcium-rich. It means that the discarded eggshells have the potential as practical everyday objects. With a similar thought in mind, Nature Squared is working with recycled eggshells, feathers, and seashells. They use these discarded objects to make sustainable architectural products. In 2020, Elaine Yan Ling Ng, Nature Squared’s Chief Innovator, came up with sustainable wall tiles called CArrelé. This whole collection of high-performance eggshell tiles comes in various shapes and colors. Sustainable wall…